Teresa-Branco - Curated Porto

Teresa Branco

/ Bonfim

Art / Arte
Craftmanship / Artesanato
Ceramics / Cerâmica
Catarina Santos Cunha
Teresa Branco was born in Ega, a village in the district of Coimbra, where as a child she built a strong connection with the land and nature. However, it was in Porto, at the age of 18 and through her brother, that she discovered the magic of transforming earth into art. Her life would take other directions, in Social Sciences and 22 years dedicated to community service in Porto. In 2016, she opened a workshop in Porto, a city known for its diversity of perspectives, named after her already internationalized brand, Brâmica. Teresa Branco manually works with ceramic pastes, chamotte stoneware, and porcelain, in a symbiosis between the ancestral knowledge of art and the modernity of simple design, irregular shapes, and the use of organic materials. With both decorative and functional pieces, Brâmica’s ceramics explore the sensations of the earth and the relationship between humans and the natural world.
Inspirada pelos livros da sua infância, a ilustradora e ceramista, Ana Seixas en- contra na natureza, a fórmula que recria a sua ideia de simplicidade e do poder da cor. Com 90% de seu mercado à escala internacional, a designer enfrenta o desafio de crescer no mercado artístico nacional. As suas obras, quer sejam a ilustração ou a cerâmica, são maioritariamente vendidas online. Em 2020, seu trabalho no livro “El secreto del paraguas rojo” foi premiado pela Fundación Cuatrogatos nos EUA.
Já participou em exposições individuais e coletivas, no Porto e em Paris. Ambiciona criar coleções para marcas e lojas e quer investir em mais mercados internacionais.

“My first oven is called calcifer. It’s Miyazaki’s little heart of fire, the Japanese film director I love.”“O meu primeiro forno chama-se calcifér.
Ele é o pequeno coração de fogo do Miyazaki, do realizador de cinema japonês que eu amo.”

Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport continues to fly high.

In Focus

After being considered by Airport Council International (ACI) as one of the best in the world, Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport has also just been elected by AirHelp (a company that defends air passenger rights) as the best in Portugal. With an overall score of 7.60, the airport stood out in the demanding criteria of punctuality, customer satisfaction and the quality of shops and restaurants. Further proof that it is several miles ahead.

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