Tourist’s Manifest

A kaleidoscope of emotions

Through the eyes of tourists, Porto becomes a kaleidoscope of emotions, with each view evoking a different feeling. Porto has a lot to see, a thousand and one things to do, and now it even has a good practice manual: the Tourist’s Manifest.

Creating a perfect harmony between visitors, residents, and the city itself, the Tourist’s Manifest is a bridge leading to an unforgettable and positive experience.
It’s a declaration of love between the city and its visitors.


  • Be friendly and curious about our culture and habits.
  • Learn to say “Olá” (hello), “obrigado” (thank you) and “como estás?” (how are you?).
  • Take care of our monuments (don’t remove tiles, don’t destroy or deface anything).
  • Walk or use public transport to discover our city.
  • Buy from traditional shops and support local businesses.
  • Taste the typical gastronomy of Porto and get to know our small traditional restaurants.
  • Porto is a safe city. You can rely on the support of the Tourism Police (PSP) at Praça Pedro Nunes, n.º 16, 4050-466 Porto. Tel. (+351) 222 092 006.
  • Enjoy Porto’s hospitality: feel free to ask the locals for advice, they will surprise you.
  • Behave as if you were in your own country/city.
  • Remember: When visiting Porto, be your best self and be a responsible visitor!
  • Laugh, enjoy the city and take home only good memories and experiences.

Happiness is the common
thread for discovering the
city’s secrets and creating

The city at night

  • Enjoy our wine, but drink moderately.
  • Respect others and their differences.
  • Have fun by keeping to the opening hours of Movida’s establishments.
  • At night, be careful with noise on the public streets, residents will appreciate this attention.
  • Remember it is forbidden to “botellón”.
  • Streets, walls and corners are not toilets.
  • Help us keep the city clean!

Porto’s nightlife is a
testimony to the universal
language of joy.


  • Enjoy your stay and try to reduce your ecological footprint, in the territory but also in the accommodation.
  • Reuse your towels and reduce waste.
  • Save energy and water!
  • Be friendly and respectful of others.
  • Get to know your neighbours better: talk to each other.
  • Call the reception or the manager if you need something.
  • Be aware of noise during usual sleeping periods, especially when carrying suitcases.
  • Respect the rules of your accommodation and adhere to the check-in and check-out times, whether it is a holiday resort or local lodging.

Porto’s accommodation is
a love note left for visitors.


  • Explore the various districts of Porto to discover the different river and sea routes, green spaces, and diverse points of interest beyond the Historic Centre.
  • Try to shop consciously and buy eco-friendly and biodegradable products.
  • Explore the city by walking, using public transportation or cycling.
  • Stimulate the local economy by shopping in traditional shops and street markets.
  • Minimize waste by reducing the use of single-use plastic and paper.
  • Get involved and participate in local festivities.
  • Help protect our environment and animals by keeping spaces clean and recycling waste.
  • Participate in the circular economy and conscious consumption.

When exploring Porto,
every walk is a surprise
waiting to be discovered.

Guided Tours and Tourist Attractions

  • Respect the guidelines of each tourist attraction.
  • If you want to take a guided tour of the city, it is best to opt for certified tour guides.
  • If you create any waste during your visit to an attraction, please collect it and dispose of it in designated areas.
  • Ask for tourist information preferably at the official tourist offices, or through or the information channels of the tourist attractions themselves.
  • Respect places of worship and preserve tangible and intangible historical heritage.

Curiosity is the key to
unlocking a city’s hidden

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