Urban art in Porto

Urban art in Porto

Roads and squares
In Porto, art is everywhere.

Artists have flourished and the city is full of color and beauty, painted on the walls of vacant buildings and on the sides of streets. We suggest you explore the city to create the definitive guide to urban art in Porto. Don't forget your camera (or cell phone)!

Find some of these streets:
- Rua da Restauração
- Passeio das Virtudes
- Campo 24 de Agosto
- R. de Diogo Brandão
- Vimara Peres Avenue
- Largo de Artur Arcos
- Rua Afonso Martins Alho
- R. de Cedofeita
- Fernandes Tomás Street
- Trindade Parking Lot
- Monte do Tadeu staircase
Urban art in Porto - Roads and squares Urban art in Porto - Roads and squares Urban art in Porto - Roads and squares Urban art in Porto - Roads and squares Urban art in Porto - Roads and squares Urban art in Porto - Roads and squares Urban art in Porto - Roads and squares Urban art in Porto - Roads and squares Urban art in Porto - Roads and squares Urban art in Porto - Roads and squares Urban art in Porto - Roads and squares Urban art in Porto - Roads and squares
Opening hours
At this moment: Open
Aditional info
  • District Boavista
  • Theme Ar Livre, Cultura
  • Segment Jovens, Casais, Famílias, Estudantes
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