Santo Inácio Zoo

Santo Inácio Zoo

Museums & Thematic Centres
10 minutes away from the centre of Porto, in Vila Nova de Gaia, Zoo Santo Inácio is the largest and greenest zoological park in the north of the country, having been visited since its opening by about 2 million people. Currently, about 600 animals of 200 species live in the Zoo, from 5 continents.

The protection of wildlife and the welfare of animals are the main concern of Zoo Santo Inácio. In this sense, all species housed by the Zoo live in green and wide environments, designed in order to recreate their natural habitats, providing them with the best conditions so that they can remain healthy and maintain genuine behaviours.

Zoo Santo Inácio participates in more than 40 EEP Programmes, involving more than 150 animals and having already led to the birth of more than 90 young. Raising the population's awareness for the protection and conservation of wild species is one of the main objectives of Zoo Santo Inácio and, as a consequence, an active participation in Nature Conservation, especially of Species that are Threatened with Extinction, is our great mission.

You can watch daily the “Meet the Zookeeper”, where it is possible to observe and get to know the natural behaviours of the species up close.

An unmissable visit to nature!
Santo Inácio Zoo - Museums & Thematic Centres Santo Inácio Zoo - Museums & Thematic Centres Santo Inácio Zoo - Museums & Thematic Centres Santo Inácio Zoo - Museums & Thematic Centres Santo Inácio Zoo - Museums & Thematic Centres Santo Inácio Zoo - Museums & Thematic Centres Santo Inácio Zoo - Museums & Thematic Centres Santo Inácio Zoo - Museums & Thematic Centres Santo Inácio Zoo - Museums & Thematic Centres Santo Inácio Zoo - Museums & Thematic Centres Santo Inácio Zoo - Museums & Thematic Centres Santo Inácio Zoo - Museums & Thematic Centres Santo Inácio Zoo - Museums & Thematic Centres Santo Inácio Zoo - Museums & Thematic Centres
Opening hours
At this moment: Open
  • Sunday
    10:00 - 17:00
  • Monday
    10:00 - 17:00
  • Tuesday
    10:00 - 17:00
  • Wednesday
    10:00 - 17:00
  • Thursday
    10:00 - 17:00
  • Friday
    10:00 - 17:00
  • Saturday
    10:00 - 17:00
Children (0- 2 years old): free
Children (3-12 years old): 12,50€
Adult (13-64 years old): 18.50€
Senior (> 65 years old): 16,50€
Rua 5 de Outubro 4503 4430-809 Porto
+351 227878500
How to get there
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Aditional info
  • Languages Inglês, Espanhol, Português
  • Wi-Fi WiFi
  • Acessibility Física
  • District Fora do Porto
  • Theme Ar Livre
  • Segment Seniores, Jovens, Casais, Estudantes, Famílias
  • average Visit Duration 3h
  • Ecommerce Url
  • Museum Type Centros temáticos
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