Clínica Médica da Foz

Clínica Médica da Foz

Hospitals, health centres and clinics
Clínica Médica da Foz, a general medicine practice clinic and several other services, tries to reach the most demanding clients of all nationalities, always with the concern of ensuring a follow-up by the best specialists and medical team. The team consists of Portuguese and foreign professionals, from several countries, such as Brazil and the United States, and presents pioneering treatments in Portugal. Located in the area of Foz do Douro, in a renovated building.
Clínica Médica da Foz - Hospitals, health centres and clinics
Opening hours
At this moment: Open
  • Sunday
    15:00 - 23:59
  • Monday
    08:30 - 23:59
  • Tuesday
    08:30 - 23:59
  • Wednesday
    08:30 - 23:59
  • Thursday
    08:30 - 23:59
  • Friday
    08:30 - 23:59
  • Saturday
    15:00 - 23:59
    09:00 - 13:00
Rua de Sobreiras 636 4150-713 Porto
+351 226178917
How to get there
Aditional info
  • Wi-Fi WiFi
  • District Marginal Ribeirinha
  • Theme Investigar, Estudar, Rio & Mar
  • Segment Estudantes, Investigadores, Trabalhadores
  • average Visit Duration 0h
  • Health Facility Type Clínicas
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