Corujeira Square

Corujeira Square

Roads and squares
Located in the eastern part of the city, its garden was re-qualified as a municipal garden in 1993.
It is characterised by its sycamore trees and has some areas that allow the practising of sport.
Corujeira Square - Roads and squares Corujeira Square - Roads and squares Corujeira Square - Roads and squares Corujeira Square - Roads and squares Corujeira Square - Roads and squares Corujeira Square - Roads and squares Corujeira Square - Roads and squares Corujeira Square - Roads and squares Corujeira Square - Roads and squares
Opening hours
At this moment: Open
Praça da Corujeira 4300-144 Porto
How to get there
Aditional info
  • Acessibility Física
  • District Zona Oriental
  • Theme Ar Livre
  • average Visit Duration 0h 30m
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