Casa-Museu Fernando de Castro
Museums & Thematic Centres
Subject to prior booking, 24 hours in advance, by email: .
It was the residence of Fernando de Castro (1889–1946), a trader, poet, caricaturist and above all a collector, who became interested in the most diverse forms of art.
It has filled his house with paintings, sculptures and particularly wood carvings with which he has decorated its entire interior, giving it an absolutely singular look.
The library, where works with a bibliographic value can be found, gives us an idea of the diversity of his interests.
Having died without a will, his sister and heiress, Maria da Luz de Araújo e Castro, made a donation to the State of all this estate under the name of Casa-Museu Fernando de Castro, which is administratively dependent on the Museu Nacional de Soares dos Reis since its foundation in 1952.
It was the residence of Fernando de Castro (1889–1946), a trader, poet, caricaturist and above all a collector, who became interested in the most diverse forms of art.
It has filled his house with paintings, sculptures and particularly wood carvings with which he has decorated its entire interior, giving it an absolutely singular look.
The library, where works with a bibliographic value can be found, gives us an idea of the diversity of his interests.
Having died without a will, his sister and heiress, Maria da Luz de Araújo e Castro, made a donation to the State of all this estate under the name of Casa-Museu Fernando de Castro, which is administratively dependent on the Museu Nacional de Soares dos Reis since its foundation in 1952.