Museu de Arte Sacra e Arqueologia - MASA
Museums & Thematic Centres
The Museum of Sacared Art and Archaeology, part of Porto’s Seminário Maior de Nossa Senhora da Conceição (Great Seminary of Our Lady of the Conception), is housed in a 17th Century wing of the former Jesuit College of São Lourenço. The museum’s remarkable, rich and varied treasures are accommodated in a dynamic and artistically vibrant space that is open to the community and engaged in conserving and communicating the collection. What was once known as the “corridor of slate” is now a noteworthy gallery of religious sculptures dating back from the 13th to 19th centuries. Sculpture is the true speciality of this museum, as can clearly be seen in the Irene Vilar room. Nevertheless, fascinatingly exceptional examples of painting, illuminated manuscripts, jewellery, vestments, religious adornments and archaeology are also to be found here.