João Chagas Garden
Gardens and Parks
Better known as Cordoaria Garden, this garden has been called João Chagas Garden since 1924. The name by which it is best known is due to the activity of the rope makers who stayed here - in the new rope maker’s - for about 200 years. In the nineteenth century, the Municipality decided to transform the Praça da Cordoaria into a public area.
The project, by the German landscaper Emile David, was built in 1865/1866.
In the garden there are statues of Ramalho Ortigão and António Nobre and a set of sculptures by Juan Muñoz from 2001, as well as "O rapto de Ganímedes" (Kidnapping of Ganímedes). In the scope of Porto 2001, European Capital of Culture, this garden underwent remodelling.
The project, by the German landscaper Emile David, was built in 1865/1866.
In the garden there are statues of Ramalho Ortigão and António Nobre and a set of sculptures by Juan Muñoz from 2001, as well as "O rapto de Ganímedes" (Kidnapping of Ganímedes). In the scope of Porto 2001, European Capital of Culture, this garden underwent remodelling.