Porto Spot Hostel

Porto Spot Hostel

Youth hostels
Located in the centre of the city, it offers 15 comfortable rooms with free wifi access and is just a 2 minute walk from the Bolhão metro station. Guests are free to make use of a fully equipped kitchen, a sitting-room, a games room and an outdoor bar/seating area.
Porto Spot Hostel - Youth hostels Porto Spot Hostel - Youth hostels Porto Spot Hostel - Youth hostels Porto Spot Hostel - Youth hostels Porto Spot Hostel - Youth hostels Porto Spot Hostel - Youth hostels Porto Spot Hostel - Youth hostels Porto Spot Hostel - Youth hostels
Opening hours
At this moment: Closed
Rua de Gonçalo Cristóvão 12 4000-263 Porto
+351 224085205
How to get there
Aditional info
  • Languages Espanhol, Francês, Inglês, Português
  • Wi-Fi WiFi
  • Smoking Area Yes
  • District Outras zonas do Porto
  • Segment Jovens
  • average Visit Duration 0h
  • Rooms Single:50,Double:3,Apartments:0,Reduced Mobility:0
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