Ateliê António Carneiro

Ateliê António Carneiro

Museums & Thematic Centres
Casa Oficina António Carneiro was built in the 1920s as a studio for the artists António Carneiro (1872-1930), a remarkable figure of Symbolism in Portugal, and his son Carlos Carneiro (1900-1971), a modernist painter. Here also lived the other son of António Carneiro, the composer Cláudio Carneiro (1895-1963).

The collection of the House-Workshop consists of about three hundred works by the artist, including the final study for “A Vida”, the painting “Camões lendo os Lusíadas aos frades de São Domingos”, self-portraits and a series of family portraits, as well as seascapes, church interiors and panoramic views of Porto.

This house is a rare example of an early 20th-century artist's studio.
Ateliê António Carneiro - Museums & Thematic Centres Ateliê António Carneiro - Museums & Thematic Centres Ateliê António Carneiro - Museums & Thematic Centres Ateliê António Carneiro - Museums & Thematic Centres Ateliê António Carneiro - Museums & Thematic Centres Ateliê António Carneiro - Museums & Thematic Centres Ateliê António Carneiro - Museums & Thematic Centres Ateliê António Carneiro - Museums & Thematic Centres
Opening hours
At this moment: Open
  • Sunday
    10:00 - 17:30
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
    10:00 - 17:30
  • Wednesday
    10:00 - 17:30
  • Thursday
    10:00 - 17:30
  • Friday
    10:00 - 17:30
  • Saturday
    10:00 - 17:30
Rua de António Carneiro 363 4300-027 Porto
+351 225379668
How to get there
Aditional info
  • District Zona Oriental
  • Theme Museus & Património
  • Segment Casais, Famílias, Jovens, Seniores, LGBT
  • average Visit Duration 1h
  • Museum Type Museus
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