Teresa-Rego-Art - Curated Porto

Teres Rêgo

/Baixa do Porto

Design / Design
Textile / Têxtil
Illustration / Ilustração
Catarina Santos Cunha
Teresa Rêgo, with a background in Architecture from the University of Minho and Illustration from Camberwell College of Arts in London, also studied at the University of Slovenia in 2014. However, Teresa Rego settled in Porto, her birthplace, where she opened her studio. As an artist with a broad global projection, she has won several awards and collaborates with various international brands, with her life oscillating between Porto and abroad. In Design and Illustration, applied to fashion and interior design, Teresa Rego explores a variety of materials and supports, creating unique decorative and functional pieces. From printing to screen printing, collage to textile, organic and geometric shapes create dialogues, offering a cosmopolitan perspective on spaces and the natural in organic forms and the geometry of the built environment.
Teresa Rêgo tem formação em Arquitetura pela Universidade do Minho e em Ilustração pelo Camberwell College of Arts de Londres. Passa ainda pela Universidade da Eslovénia em 2014, mas Teresa Rego fixa-se no Porto, cidade onde nasceu, e onde abre o seu atelier. Artista com larga projeção global, arrecadou vários prémios e mantém uma colaboração com várias marcas internacionais, a vida da artista oscila entre o Porto e o estrangeiro. No Design e na Ilustração, com aplicação na moda, no design de interiores, Teresa Rego explora diversos materiais e suportes, criando peças decorativas e funcionais únicas. Desde o print, à serigrafia, da colagem ao têxtil, as formas orgânicas e geométricas estabelecem diálogos, num olhar cosmopolita sobre os espaços e o natural nas formas orgânicas e na geometria do construído.

Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport continues to fly high.

In Focus

After being considered by Airport Council International (ACI) as one of the best in the world, Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport has also just been elected by AirHelp (a company that defends air passenger rights) as the best in Portugal. With an overall score of 7.60, the airport stood out in the demanding criteria of punctuality, customer satisfaction and the quality of shops and restaurants. Further proof that it is several miles ahead.

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