Miguel-e-Filipa-Mateus-Art - Curated Porto

Miguel e Filipa Mateus

/ Baixa do Porto

Craftmanship / Artesanato
Lux / Luxo
Woods / Madeiras
Catarina Santos Cunha
Miguel Mateus, luthier, describes himself as a “sound maker,” highlighting the essence of his craft: creating and fine-tuning sound for music. Filipa Mateus, with a degree in Physics, fell in love with bow making during their honeymoon in Cremona. She completed internships in Lausanne and Cambridge, discovering her great-grandfather was a violin maker in Porto. Miguel and Filipa, now married, established the Violin Workshop in 2013, where they build and rent out instruments. The Violin Workshop has a history intertwined with a passion for music and family tradition, where the ancient art of instrument making comes to life, carrying the symbolic signature “Mateus Portus Cale”

Miguel Mateus, luthier, define-se como um “fazedor de som”, destacando a essência de seu ofício: criar e ajustar som à música. Filipa Mateus, é licenciada em Física e apaixonou-se pela construção de arcos durante a lua de mel em Cremona. Realizou estágios em Lausanne e Cambridge, descobrindo que seu trisavô foi um construtor de violinos no Porto. Miguel e Filipa são casados e fundaram a Oficina dos Violinos em 2013, onde constroem e alugam instrumentos. A Oficina dos Violinos tem uma história entrelaçada de paixão pela música e tradição familiar e ali, a arte ancestral de construção de instrumentos ganha vida e leva consigo a assinatura simbólica “Mateus Portus Cale”

“I am almost absolutely sure, 99.9% sure that we are the only ones, mixing Port wine in our recipes, in our recipe for our varnish components.”
“Tenho quase a certeza, absoluta, 99,9% de certeza, que somos os únicos a misturar na nossa receita dos componentes do verniz, vinho do Porto.”

Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport continues to fly high.

In Focus

After being considered by Airport Council International (ACI) as one of the best in the world, Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport has also just been elected by AirHelp (a company that defends air passenger rights) as the best in Portugal. With an overall score of 7.60, the airport stood out in the demanding criteria of punctuality, customer satisfaction and the quality of shops and restaurants. Further proof that it is several miles ahead.

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