Ana-Seixas-Art - Curated Porto

Ana Seixas

/ Boavista
/ Campo Alegre
/ Marginal do Douro

Design / Design
Ceramics / Cerâmica
Illustration / Ilustração
Catarina Santos Cunha
Inspired by the books of her childhood, the illustrator andceramist , Ana Seixas, finds in nature the formula that recreates her idea of simplicity and the power of color. With 90% of her market on an international scale, the designer faces the challenge of growing in the national artistic market . His works, whether illustration or ceramics, are mostlys old online. In 2020, his work on the book “El secreto del paraguas rojo” was awarded by Fundación Cuatrogatos in the USA. She has participated in individual and group exhibitions, in Porto and Paris. She aims to create collections for brands and stores and wants to invest in more international markets.

Inspirada pelos livros da sua infância, a ilustradora e ceramista, Ana Seixas en- contra na natureza, a fórmula que recria a sua ideia de simplicidade e do poder da cor. Com 90% de seu mercado à escala internacional, a designer enfrenta o desafio de crescer no mercado artístico nacional. As suas obras, quer sejam a ilustração ou a cerâmica, são maioritariamente vendidas online. Em 2020, seu trabalho no livro “El secreto del paraguas rojo” foi premiado pela Fundación Cuatrogatos nos EUA. Já participou em exposições individuais e coletivas, no Porto e em Paris. Ambiciona criar coleções para marcas e lojas e quer investir em mais mercados internacionais.

“I really like drawing things in my everyday life that make me happy.
These can be situations, moments
or even sensations.”
“Eu gosto muito de desenhar coisas do meu dia a dia que me fazem feliz.
Podem ser situações, momentos ou até

Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport continues to fly high.

In Focus

After being considered by Airport Council International (ACI) as one of the best in the world, Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport has also just been elected by AirHelp (a company that defends air passenger rights) as the best in Portugal. With an overall score of 7.60, the airport stood out in the demanding criteria of punctuality, customer satisfaction and the quality of shops and restaurants. Further proof that it is several miles ahead.

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