Plant Data

Plant Data

Galeria da Biodiversidade hosts Yota Ayaan's Plant Data project in collaboration with Mariana Sottomayor and Stefaan Van Leuven. Plant Data is a project where art meets science, which interprets data obtained from plants, translating it into sound. The artwork comprises a group of dozens of ash trees and a multichannel loudspeaker system installed at the Main Lobby of Galeria da Biodiversidade. The space vibrates with a twenty-four-hour sound piece, based on numerical data obtained from the 'acoustic emissions', or AEs, of ash trees, recorded by a state-of-the-art detection system in the laboratory of Kathy Steppe at the University of Ghent.
Plant Data - Event


Date Date 06-06-2021
Date Time 10:00
Date Duration 8 hours
Date Location Galeria da Biodiversidade - Centro Ciência Viva
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Público em Geral

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