O Olho Esquerdo de Júlio Verne

O Olho Esquerdo de Júlio Verne

Mário João Alves, with his collective Ópera Isto, has been a regular collaborator of the Education Service in the production of original shows that usually open each new season. O Olho Esquerdo de Júlio Verne opened the Year France and brings us music from the time of the French writer (author of works like Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea or Journey to the Centre of the Earth), including operettas in which he was the librettist. It puts us in a better mood, using humour as the basis of this whole story.
O Olho Esquerdo de Júlio Verne - Event


Date Date 14-03-2021
Date Time 11:00
Date Duration 1 hour
Date Location
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Público em Geral

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