7 de março 2021

7 de março 2021

Centenary of Teatro Nacional São João

Don’t worry, it is not yet the end or the beginning.

Shall we continue together for another 200 years?

On March 7th we symbolically mark the end of the Centenary of Teatro São João, but the Centenary does not end here. An ephemeris is a game without borders: by the end of 2021 there will also be an exhibition, an international colloquium and some volumes of Cadernos do Centenário. Before, we make a stopover in this long March 7th, so long that we extend it for two days. Install yourself in our virtual room and tune in to RTP2, which joined us in this open public service condominium. There are talks, interviews, documentaries and shows. We debate, ask, visit, revive, premiere. But don’t worry, it is not yet the end or the beginning. The theatre starts every day and every night. Shall we continue together for another 200 years?
7 de março 2021 - Event


Date Date 07-03-2021
Date Time 08:00
Date Duration 15 hours
Date Location
Target audience

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