πoemas Irracionais e Transcendentes

πoemas Irracionais e Transcendentes

What exactly is the number π? And what does it mean to say that it is irrational? And what is transcendental?

In this session, the authors of the book πoemas Irracionais e Transcendentes, António Machiavelo and Graça Brites, will answer these questions involving this number full of mystery. A selection of some of the 32 poems that make up the book will be recited, which were specially created with a metrics given by the number π: each poem has 32 words, each word has a number of letters governed by the decimal expansion of π.

This event is part of the programme "Noites No Pátio Do Museu"
πoemas Irracionais e Transcendentes - Event πoemas Irracionais e Transcendentes - Event


Date Date 14-07-2020
Date Time 21:30
Date Duration 2 hours
Date Location Natural History Museum of the Porto University
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Público em Geral

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