

Patrick by Gonçalo Waddington

Patrick (played by Luso-French actor Hugo Fernandes) is 20 years old and lives in Paris with his older boyfriend. He runs a teen porn website, which leads to him being arrested after a raid to a party.

The authorities discover that Patrick is after all Mário, kidnapped from the interior of Portugal, in 1999, at the age of eight. He is given the option to return to his family and collaborate in dismantling a paedophile ring. Upon returning to the place where he was born, he tries to adapt to a new reality, but he is received with suspicion.

His mother has a hard time acknowledging and communicating with her son. Patrick's two identities come into conflict: the life of parties, drugs, and promiscuity in Paris; and a new life in a rural environment and a family destroyed.

Venue: Cinema Trindade
Patrick - Event


Date Date 30-07-2020
Date Time 18:15
Date Duration 1 hour
Date Location
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