Patricia-Sousa-Art - Curated Porto

Patrícia Sousa

/ Baixa do Porto

Design / Design
Textile / Têxtil
Catarina Santos Cunha
With a creative spirit and a childhood marked by manual practices, Patrícia Sousa left her career as an economist to dedicate herself to her personal fulfillment in the artistic field. Without a defined plan she changed her life, and dedicated to the hotel industry, where she applied her patchwork and crochet skills to decoration, creating 100% manual and unique clothing and decoration pieces. It’s in between workshops and her multi-brand store, Earlymade, that she lives the transition from her economist career to be a self- employed businesswomna. But it is in this challenge that she finds her personal fulfillment in artistic expression.

Com um espírito criativo e uma infância marcada por práticas manuais, Patrícia Sousa deixou a carreira de economista para se dedicar à sua realização pessoal na área artística. Mudou de vida, sem plano definido e dedicou-se à hotelaria, onde aplicou as suas habilidades em patchwork e crochet na decoração, criando peças de vestuário e decoração 100% manuais e únicas. Entre os workshops e a sua loja multimarca, a Earlymade, vive a transição de vida de economista para empresária em nome próprio, um enorme desafio. Mas é nesse desafio que encontra a sua realização pessoal na expressão artística..

Porto in the top 10 of the best cities in the world

Porto is once again in the top 10 of the 50 best cities in the world to visit in 2025. Promoted by Time Out magazine, the nomination is justified by a series of criteria such as the hospitality of the residents, the well-kept gardens, the cultural habits, the gastronomy and even the typical tiles. This recognition strengthens Porto's commitment to sustainable development and the valorisation of its cultural and natural heritage.

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