PAR(S) 2

PAR(S) 2

"Jung says that over the course of our life we come across archetypes. The Emperor walking up a steep street ahead of us. The Hermit sitting next to us by himself in a movie theatre. The High Priestess handing us a book that will deeply change us. I watched you from afar, I asked myself: The Hanged Man? The Fool?"

A correspondence between two strangers, based on the importance of the symbolic in their lives: both retrieved this ancestral relation, in the hope they would better accommodate their grief or love.

At a time of symbolic misery, these representations seem to be not only ways of expanding our perception of our surroundings, but also of who we are after all: also representations, ready to deeply influence those crossing our paths. "A New New Age is necessary".

In an increasingly digital and fast-moving world, there is a need to slow down and develop new presentation formats and, above all, new creation formats and ways of working that will enable us to continue to consolidate artistic works, in the current reality. In a hybrid season between the in-person and the digital, Teatro Municipal do Porto invites 8 artists for a special collaboration, designed specifically for online platforms, where a director and a performing artist, in pairs and in an equal relationship, are invited to create a new digital object that crosses their universes and discourses. The moving image intersects with the areas of dance, contemporary circus, literature, theatre and animated forms, thus also enabling various audiences, even the most distant ones, to access these works.
PAR(S) 2 - Event


Date Date 01-03-2021 to 31-03-2021
Date Time 08:00
Date Duration 4 weeks
Date Location
Buy tickets here
Target audience

Jovens (12-18),Adultos (19-64),Séniores (>65)

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