Ao vivo no Mercado - Be Jazz

Ao vivo no Mercado - Be Jazz

We treat all the bands that visit us with the utmost respect, but we will have to pay much more to one that is called "Bossa Excelência Jazz".

Even so, this group that has in Bossa Nova, Jazz and Blues their main influences, is known by its closest fans as Be Jazz. This means, deep down, that it is known by everyone that way, since it is impossible for someone not to become a close fan after attending a concert of the group.

A female voice, a robust and sharp wind instruments, keyboards, guitar, double bass and drums, will make this show an unmissable moment.
Ao vivo no Mercado - Be Jazz - Event


Date Date 29-02-2020
Date Time 22:00
Date Duration 1 hour
Date Location Mercado Bom Sucesso
Admission is free.
Target audience

Público em Geral

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