Dramatículos de Samuel Beckett

Dramatículos de Samuel Beckett

(...) and low
for another
at her window
another like herself
the little like
another living soul
one other living soul
at her window…
(Rockaby, Beckett)

Time and death. Tempus fugit.

To speak when death rests: in a chair or in a funeral coffin, everywhere. Man is the only animal to whom language was given and with it the chance of populating the world with names, aliases, rules.

Babel, the tower of languages, never disappeared, because speaking requires listening and the word is Novarina’s polyhedron.

Between the tragedy of existence and the abyss of disappearance, Beckett chooses to give us, malgré tout, human figures, voices and scarcity.

To speak when faced with death.

Is theatre still able to be this agora halfway between the creative word and death?

We believe so, here we are.

- Renata Portas
Dramatículos de Samuel Beckett - Event


Date Date 10-07-2021
Date Time 19:00
Date Duration 2 hours
Date Location Rivoli . Municipal Theatre
Target audience

Jovens (12-18),Adultos (19-64)

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