José Régio: [Re]visitações à Torre de Marfim

José Régio: [Re]visitações à Torre de Marfim

Until August 1st, Museu Nacional de Soares dos Reis hosts the temporary exhibition “José Régio: [Re]visitações à Torre de Marfim”, a proposal by the City Hall of Vila do Conde and the City Hall of Portalegre, in the context of the structured national working group as part of evoking the 50th anniversary of the José Régio’s death, which was celebrated in 2019.

Drawings of an intimate nature, references from the poet's imagination, drawn in Chinese ink, watercolours, coloured pencils, and pigmented wax, consolidating the prior strokes with graphite, fill the author's manuscript, sometimes included in the poem's composition, sometimes brought forward or which came after, materialising the fleeting impression that seemed to elude him.
José Régio: [Re]visitações à Torre de Marfim - Event José Régio: [Re]visitações à Torre de Marfim - Event


Date Date 15-05-2021
Date Time 10:00
Date Duration 8 hours
Date Location Soares dos Reis National Museum
Target audience

Público em Geral

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Tuesday to Sunday: 10am to 6pm
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